This proposal aims to reduce the max gas per block from the current value of 8M to 6M in order to ensure smooth dApp launches during Secret Surge, the first of which is scheduled for April 12th. The limited Shade stresstest on testnet was cautiously optimistic however on-chain arb bots recently filled blocks and some validators and API clusters started falling behind thereby increasing blocktime. With a maximum of 6M gas per block the load on nodes and thus blocktime should remain stable and ensure smooth network operation at the cost of fewer transactions per block.
Following the initial surge of dApp launches, validators will evaluate this parameter change and aim to incrementally increase it over the following weeks / months. To the best of our knowledge there are no contracts currently scheduled for mainnet launch that need more than 6M gas, should 6M gas not be enough to instantiate your contract please let us know in any of the governance channels and we can schedule an instantiation window.
Vote *Yes* to decrease the maximum gas per block to 6 million.
Vote *No* to keep the maximum gas per block at 8 million.
Voting Data
1,300.997244 SCRT
2.152265M SCRT
81.313562M SCRT